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Shusheng SQL Tool Web based SQL Table Editor. Edit SQL Table data from a web browser like a spreadsheet. Copy/paste a table column. Copy/paste a table row. Delete a table row. Fill down a table column. Update only changed cell. Automatic data validation for Date time and number. SQL Server Agent Admin tool, Database Backup Restore tool, Database Compress and Repair tool. SQL Query analyzer and optimizer. Database Documentation tool. Object and Data Searching Tool.

Screen Shot - Spreadsheet-Like Query Data Editor

Updateable SELECT query allow you modify the returned query result in a flat table like a spreadsheet. You can add or delete/un-delete rows. Modify any cell's value in one batch without round trip. After you finish and click the "Save" icon all changes you made will be updated in the SQL Server (only modified cells data will be updated. All rows and cells not changed will not be included in the Save process to avoid overwrite somebody else's change made during your editing period.). It will return a statistical table to tell you how many rows added, deleted and updated. And also tell you how many rows failed to add, delete and update. You may click the link it provided to track why some of rows failed to add, delete and update. When we say it like a spreadsheet it is because it allows you to:
  • Copy/paste a row/column.
  • Reset row/column/all.
  • Row fill down. (Include new rows).
  • Column fill down with multi-functionality according to the column data type. Recursive fill down is also supported.
Numeric and Date time data validation is automated base on the locale user selected (Default to USA). If you need not to update the returned query result, we suggest you to make the "Updateable" option off to get better performance and numeric total summary enabled. Large text cell will display a link to let user edit it with the most powerful Online HTML Editor, webWord.